Reed has a BIG BOY bed
Many months ago, we purchased a toddler car bed for Reed so we would be ready if he climbed out of his crib. He never really showed much interest-maybe a handful of times would try to get his leg over the rails, but then just left it alone. I had been dragging my feet on putting him in a big boy bed for fear that he would be up and out of it overnight and the good night’s sleep I have been finally getting would come to a halt. Jeff finally convinced me that we should do it over Labor Day weekend. I washed all his new bedding on Thursday as we planned on switching his crib out Friday evening. Well, low and behold Friday when Reed went down for his nap, he sure did climb out of his crib and not so gently. He thankfully was not hurt bad; more scared I think than anything. Seriously though, the day we planned on switching him to a toddler bed. Well, I guess he was ready.
Here are a couple of pictures I quick took after the bed was wiped down (I used Basic H all-purpose cleaner)put together and Reed climbed into for the first time. (yes, I have since changed his comforter to be facing the correct direction…my mind these days, I don’t know).
He was/is very excited about his car bed, and thank goodness since I almost didn’t agree to this plastic furniture thing, but if it makes my sweet little boy happy….well okay then…(plus I think Jeff would of loved something like that when he was little). He thinks the front of it is a slide. Everything goes down that slide: him, stuffed animals, cars, toys, etc.

Once I get the room completed, I will post pictures of his “new” room. There are a few tweaks that I would like to make still.
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