My cousin was so gracious to open her home to us to spend the weekend. As a token of our appreciation, I picked some just ripe tomoatoes from our garden and wrapped them up to give them.
We had a great weekend; we couldn’t of asked for more perfect weather! Friday night we cooked brats from Glenn’s Meat Market for dinner. These bratwursts are amazing and they have a trillion different varieties!!!! We had the parmesan and garlic and the traditional Sheboygan, DELICIOUS. Warning, you can’t go back to a Johnsonville brat after these… I just found out due to popular demand from non-locals, Glenn’s will ship to you. YEAH!!! I will for sure be ordering some next summer since we brought some back from this trip. Afterwards, the rest of the family came over for a bonfire. It was great to catch up with everyone since we don’t get to see them more than a couple times a year.
Saturday morning we hit the beach about 9:45 to get a good spot before the beach gets busy as more and more people are discovering this hidden gem. Sandy Beach on Rock Lake is a cute little beach that really hasn’t changed much from when I was young and the water is still pretty clean.
A beautiful lake (it’s still early so not too many boats out yet…so peaceful)
Cute little bait and snack shop
Beautiful trees and covered pavillions for parties
one of the many areas of boat slips (they are a HOT commodity, especially on the beach side of the lake)
We played in the sand and water for a couple hours. Reed LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the beach. That makes me so happy, seeing him enjoy a place I did as a kid. We hope to make this part of our summers every year.
This first one I love…I am playing with my new zoom lens…wow what a difference in pictures it makes!
going to the water to fill up truck bucket
he did such a great job carrying it back without spilling
then off for a ride on my cousin’s boat
There are some beautiful homes on the lake…I’ll take one of these please…
I’d say this was a great way to end “summer”.
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